2012年11月21日 星期三




 - - - - - - - - - - 我是分隔線 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 我是分隔線 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 我是分隔線 - - - - - - - - - -


星期天(11/18),我在國外朋友的臉書上,看到她分享了這張照片。她是從Max Keiser Report這個社群分享的。但令我很困擾的是,照片雖拐彎抹角地指責以色列的無差別攻擊,波及加薩走廊的巴勒斯坦婦女與小孩,卻沒有詳細的地點、事件發生經過及照片出處。而這樣的指控,在戰爭敏感的以巴地區,是非常嚴重的。但當時,我只是看看而已。

過了兩天,睡覺前在台灣朋友的臉書上,又看到同一張照片。不同的是,分享的來源不是Max Keiser Report,而照片底下還用十幾種語言指控以色列。顯示照片已經被抓下,重新加註張貼者自己想要廣大讀者相信的訊息。(照片已經被朋友移除,目前還未找到那張被動過手腳的照片)





然而,至少這個連結,讓我們看到"可能"是照片的原始出處。於是我點進去"Children of Syria"社群頁面 https://www.facebook.com/the.children.of.syria。這個頁面的設立,是為了讓更多人知道,在敘利亞內戰中,多少無辜的民眾喪生。更駭人的是,這些手無寸鐵的婦孺,不是戰爭的意外傷亡。Al-Assad政府軍是有計畫地針對婦女與孩童進行屠殺。


之後,我更在Max Keiser Report照片底下的討論串,找到了這段錄影 http://goo.gl/yC2N5。這是整起攻擊的經過,而婦女死亡倒地的照片,便是從這段錄影擷取的影像。

 - - - - - - - - - - 我是分隔線 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 我是分隔線 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 我是分隔線 - - - - - - - - - -



這篇報導指出 ,光是10/14至10/17短短三天,以色列已經遭受703顆飛彈攻擊 http://goo.gl/aMK6G。而因為這些照片的散布,民眾或許不再同情以色列的處境,甚至可能認為以色列是咎由自取。但是,哪一個戰爭受害者是"活該"的?


PS. 最先回應在國外朋友臉書上的留言,也記錄一下。
" These are definitely issues that have been neglected intentionally in our society. and there are problems like this all over those countries with civil wars, not just in the Gaza strip.

In cases like this, I'm always puzzled by the source of the photo, since it's a blurry photo, with no source marked on the photo...so I did some research.

First i found these, (gruesome photos included, please don't click if you don't want to see) http://goo.gl/c1QVD & http://goo.gl/aMK6G
claiming it's a way Hamas used to rationalize their recent attacks to the Israelis.

However, that's not good enough for me. Who knows if the Israelis are telling the truth?

So I read all the posts under the photo from the "Max Keiser Report", and found a link to a video, taken in Syria. http://goo.gl/yC2N5

I think it's clear now, anyone who speaks their languages, will be able to verify the location of the attack, which i believe is Syria. Even though I dont' speak Syrian, but videos are much more difficult to falsify, and that the source/content, and the intention of uploading the video are clearly stated.

What i'm trying to say is, we should definitely be angry about these things. But we should be careful where we target our angers at. These are definitely issues that we should care about! And we should never forget them.

I think the biggest problem in our world is that people are so forgetful. Now, maybe some people will be shocked by this photo, but in a month, 6 months, after a year......how many will still remember this? If people are unaware, forgets about these stuff, then it would be impossible to expect any changes!"

