2010年5月25日 星期二

A Time to Love Stevie Wonder feat. India Arie

We have time for racism
We have time for criticism
Held bondage by our -ism's
When will there be a time to love

We make time to debate religion
Passing bills and building prisons
For building fortunes and passing judgements
When will there be a time to love

At this point in history we have a choice to make
To either walk a path of love
Or be crippled by our hate

We have time to cause pollution
We have time to cause confusion
All wrapped up in our own illusions
When will there be a time to love

We make time to conquer nations
Time for oil exploration
Hatred, violence and terrorism
When will there be a time to love

At this moment in time
We have a choice to make
Father God is watching
While we cause mother earth so much pain
It's such a shame

Not enough money for
The young, the old and the poor
But for war there is always more
When will there be a time to love

We make time for paying taxes
Or paying bills and buying status
But we will pay the consequences
If we don't make the time to love

Now's the time to pay attention
Yes now is the time - to love
A time love - love
A time to love
Please please won't you tell me
When will there be a time to love

If your love cannot be moved (Stevie Wonder & Kim Burrel)

You can't say we shall and not fight through hell
You can't say we will and not dare to deal
You can't shout out peace and then vanish in the crowd
You can't ride the storm without some effect
You can't steal the spoil and not pay the debt
You can't wave a sign that spells "evil" and feel really proud
You can't sing a song with no melody
You can't say we're one without unity
You can't form a line if you're scared to stand alone
You can't pray for grace and then smack her face
You can't speak of hope and then crack a joke

You can say you're there but time knows how much you've grown
Put a face to your somebody

Can you say your name?
Or would you rather stay unknown?
Can you show your face?
Or are you fearful of it shown?
Can you feel your heart?
Or does it beat for you alone?
Lift your glass up high
Say that your truth will never lie
If your love cannot be moved

You can't look at me and not see yourself
You can't say "for them" and not for who else
You can't truly bless and not bless the good of all
You can't serve the rich and desert the poor
You can't hear their cries and just close the door
You can't say you're down and not take it to the wall
You can't benefit from one's detriment
You can't find the serum and not cure the sick
You can't free the slave to enslave them differently
You can't see the right only from your sight
You can't see the wrong and just go along
Or is that the way you would want your fate to read
Put a face to your somebody

Can you say your name?
Or would you rather stay unknown?
Can you show your face?
Or are you fearful of it shown?
Can you feel your heart?
Or does it beat for you alone?
Lift your glass up high
Say that your truth will never lie
If your love cannot be moved

You can't make a pledge and then slip the script
You can't say the words and not move your lips
You can't be confused and still say you understand
You can't be a friend but not through thin and thick
You can't be a click but in danger split
You can't evenly share and then grab the biggest hand
You can't say you do but then show you don't
You can't say you will and make sure you won't
You can't want for change and not do what you need to do

You can't give up all and then take back all you give
You can't live to die but you can die to live
Or is that too much to ask of the you in you?
Put a face to your somebody

Can you say your name?
Or would you rather stay unknown?
Can you show your face?
Or are you fearful of it shown?
Can you feel your heart?
Or does it beat for you alone?
Lift your glass up high
Say that your truth will never lie
If your love cannot be moved

2010年5月20日 星期四


關於是否廢除死刑...現在存有諸多爭議...個人暫且不表示任何立場, 僅節錄某位人士說過的死刑的意義...供大家參考。

死刑的意義在於,讓一個犯了殺人罪的犯人,誠實的面對自己犯下的錯誤 ,打從心裡反省自己的誤行,決心將自己剩餘的人生用來贖罪並對社會做有意義的奉獻。一個本來十惡不赦的壞蛋,最後可能會脫胎換骨變成真誠努力的善人。

可是,國家社會卻要奪去這位,已經重生的"善人"的性命。很殘忍 ,很冷酷,是不是?是的!無情的奪取他人寶貴的生命的確是很殘忍的一件事。相對的,這個時候犯人才會真切的體會到,被自己殘忍殺害的人,他們的生命也是這樣的無價。


2010年5月14日 星期五

核四自行變更280處設計 學者:誰敢背書



鹽寮反核自救會會長吳文通表示,在核四廠內工作的貢寮鄉親向他反映,系統測試時,幾次管線因為焊接不實而發生爆管,而開關閥做壓力測試時,也在加壓一天後爆掉好幾次,原本的核四監督委員有地方人員在內,卻被以「有你們在裡面監督、核四永遠蓋不好」為由而排除在外。 行政院原子能委員會副主委謝得志坦承,核四測試的確出過很多狀況,但他也表示,如果測試全部及格那還需要測嗎?重點是出了狀況要能改善。他強調,程序書要經過原設計公司的檢核簽名是國際程序,一定要簽字後、試運轉全部通過後,原能會才會許可給照,他並認為奇異公司簽字應該沒有太大問題。 至於核四生水池遭反核團體披露位在順向坡,台灣電力公司11日表示,已設置傾斜儀及水位觀測井持續監測核四生水池,目前無走山疑慮。且台電會進一步加強截排水與邊坡保護等措施。至於第2個生水池興建與否,台電公司也正檢討生水供需量,重新評估興建的必要性與替代方案。

2010年5月11日 星期二

love is more thicker than forget

by E. E. Cummings

love is more thicker than forget
more thinner than recall
more seldom than a wave is wet
more frequent than to fail

it is more mad and moonly
and less it shall unbe
than all the sea which only
is deeper than the sea

love is less always than to win
less never than alive
less bigger than the least begin
less littler than forgive

it is most sane and sunly
and more it cannot die
than all the sky which only
is higher than the sky