2010年6月16日 星期三



karasumi(源自於日文) !!!

也可稱為botargo (不過這只是歐洲那邊類似的食品,並不能完全代表烏魚子)
材料則是 mullet roe

2010年6月11日 星期五

channel partner 通路夥伴

出處: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/channel_partner.html

The phrase used to describe a company that partners with a manufacturer or producer to market and sell the manufacturer's products, services, or technologies?usually through an affiliate partner or reseller relationship. 

Channel partners may be distributors, vendors, retailers, consultants, systems integrators (SI), technology deployment consultancies, and value-added resellers (VARs) and other organizations. 

In reselling, the partner takes title to product and resells. Usually, the relationship is defined by the manufacturer's equipment being part of a larger solution offered to customers by the channel partner. The partner will "add value" (see VAR) to the product or technology, or even build a solution that utilizes one or more of the vendors' products. 

Channel partners form relationships for a number of different reasons and results. For the manufacturer, a channel partner can help bring a new product to market and increase visibility of a brand and boost sales. For the business, it helps open the doors to new business with a lower cost and a smaller risk factor than producing your own technology or merging/acquiring to obtain the technology for your service portfolio. 

The primary difference between distributors and channel partners is that distributors do not usually sell directly to end users ?instead they are in the middle between vendors and channel partners, often providing their own value in terms of special pricing, training, technical support, marketing and other types of assistance that benefit the channel partners with whom they work. 

eco-heroes advertisement video...great words!

can one person really make a difference? 一個人真的能改變什麼嗎?
yes, because every action counts 是的! 因為每個行動都是有意義的

a single action is not just a drop in the ocean 一個單一的行動並非只是汪洋大海中的一滴水珠
it spreads ripples of change 是會引發漣漪效應
further than you will ever know其影響範圍超出你的想像

your words 你的一言
your action 你的一行
your causes 你的一念
your writings 你的一字
your opportunity to influence 你有許多影響他人的機會
all adds up 合起來便成一股不容忽視的力量

our leaders aren't leading 我們的領導者並沒有盡到他們的責任
so we must 因此我們需要挺身而出

because this is the only world we've got 因為我們只有這麼一個地球
so we have to look after it 所以我們需要照望它
if we want it to look after us 如果我們希望它也能繼續照望我們

see the video...


從英國遠道而來的知名教育學者赫斯班(Chris Husbands)教授說了,當前的環境與氣候變遷議題,其本質是"messy (混雜)"的,背後代表得是複雜多元的問題。而過去傳統的教育模式所偏重的"馴服&訓練" 無法因應現今"messy"的環境議題。

為了因應這些 messy 的議題,Husbands教授也說了,我們需要突破舊有的思維,尋求新的方法。新的方法不一定有單一解答,可能是具有實驗性質的、需要網絡合作的、還處於發展階段的。但是重點在於管理問題,如小到管理好電器的耗能、大到建築物與交通對環境的衝擊管理。或許沒有單一解答,但提出自我進步(Progress)的方式,可以使問題逐漸改善。

也就是說,赫斯班認為我們個人亟需要作的是改變舊有的「思維方式(mind set)」,是一種人的再工程議題(re-engineering ),換言之,要體認到先前在學校所受的教育是不夠的,更要擴展到社會與生活中去探索學習


2010年6月10日 星期四

give it some welly~~~

let's learn a british slang

what is "give it some welly" ? 
check it out here...


"It’s a fine bit of British English slang, usually in the form give it some welly. This instruction, often shouted to a person as encouragement or criticism, asks for more effort to be put into whatever he or she is doing.

It dates from the 1970s. The last word in the phrase is a common British abbreviation for the equally British term wellington boots (“It’s wet in the garden — best wear your wellies”), these being waterproof rubber boots named after the First Duke of Wellington. The slang sense seems to have come about through mental links with various senses of boot or foot — one of the earliest appearances was in motor racing, in which the reference was putting the foot more firmly on the accelerator; another was in football, for a powerful kick. There doesn’t seem to be a direct association of ideas with the minor British sport of welly-throwing, but you never know.

I always hear it mentally with a Glasgow accent, perhaps because the Big Yin, the comedian Billy Connolly, was one of those who popularised it."